Please do the site visit before the studio on coming Wednesday (13th of May 2009). Collect all relevant data pertaining to your selected site with the aim of establishing a connection with site and the context. It can be recorded in the form of a visual diary based on your personal experiences, observations, associations and interpretations.
1. Site measure and other site conditions like accessibility, slope, vegetation, views, light etc.
2. Context and precedent study: Adjoining buildings, their details and characteristics which may affect your design.
3. Streetscape analysis/Facade studies: Important features like shop canopies, awnings, shop fronts, entries, displays based on serial vision.
4. Possible ways of siting your building with location of entrance.
5. Possible relationship of your building with the context.
We will focus on site analysis and concept development in the studio. Please get your visual diary plus site drawings, tracings, photographs and parti sketches for case studies of museums.